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Writer's pictureAlex Jones

Local Ambassadors Are Fighting Hard for Washington State gun Rights! Let's join them!

Things are changing so fast in the state of Washington when it comes to gun legislation. Just in the past year there has been significant changes that many Washington gun owners are not aware of. To name a few, the state pasted legislation that mandated 10 round magazine capacity, "Assualt Rifle" ban, and now requirements for citizens to have a permit/certificate of training to purchase a gun. In addition there is now a 10 business day waiting period for all firearms.

There is more to come in the upcoming legislative Sessions that have the potential to take some of your most beloved firearms dealers out of business. It's already enough they have lost revenue from not selling semi-automatic rifles, but upcoming unreasonable security requirements may strain local gun stores.

We are busy people and we zoom around focusing on our own lives and priorities. When it comes to gun rights from the grassroots level, sometimes we don't really think about it or get involved until the laws are actually passed. I had to do a self evaluation of this year to examine my level of advocacy and I will say it has been sub par. Though running a firearms training business and being so busy with life's challenges, I haven't taken a ton of time to really dive into ALL of what's going on. I have sources where I get information, but I would consider it just surface information.

There is a local business and organization ran by two of Vancouver and Washington's state biggest gun advocates. Their knowledge and expertise of legislation goes far beyond surface level information. They are consistently testifying in Olympia, WA and organizing events to help spread the word of what's going on with gun rights in the state of Washington. Dan and Heidi Mitchell are unarguably front line ambassadors for 2A rights. They currently own and operate Sporting Systems in Vancouver, WA and The Washington Civil Rights Association. They are the unsung heroes and carrying A LOT of weight advocating on behalf of all the state's citizens. After getting to know them, I realized how detrimental their work is for advocacy. It's a grind, it's grueling and harshly political, but they fight and fight hard. Getting to know them has given me a new spirit in my advocacy and motivation to get more involved even though it may take more of my time and energy. Most citizens have no clue who Dan and Heidi are and I'm hoping that you can leave this blog and visit their websites that I am going to link below. It's time we get more involved and spread the word to not only gun owners, but even those who don't own a gun in Washington state. The culture and rights of the 2nd amendmentment depend on it.



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